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Results of the implementation of the project ROBG-393 Integrated risk management and efficient reactions of authorities for civil safety - CivilSafety

After joint trainings and seminars for exchange of experience, aimed at increasing the knowledge and confidence of the volunteer teams of the municipalities of Shabla and Ovidiu, Idein Development Foundation has created a brochure that summarizes best practices and advice for responding to emergencies.

The brochure is published in Bulgarian and Romanian and can be downloaded here:

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Резултати от изпълнението на проект ROBG-393 „Интегрирано управление на риска и ефективни реакции на органите за гражданска безопасност“ - CivilSafety

След проведени съвместни обучения и семинари за обмяна на опит, целящи да повишат знанията и увереността на доброволческите отряди на общините Шабла и Овидиу, Фондация Идеин развитие създаде брошура, която обобщава най-добри практики и съвети за реакция при извънредни ситуации.

Брошурата е публикувана на български и румънски език и можете да я изтеглите от тук:

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On March 5, 2021, a common press conference was held on the project ROBG-393 " Integrated risk management and efficient reactions of authorities for civil safety" - CivilSafety. The event was organized by the Municipality of Ovidiu.

The joint press conference presented the main activities carried out within the project so far and the results achieved.

The event was attended by journalists, representatives of partner institutions, Shabla Municipality and Idein Development Foundation, as well as members of the implementation team. Idein Development Foundation took part online.

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