Two strategic documents were developed as a result of the project "Angling Along the Danube: Danube fishing routes", project code ROBG-348, funded by the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria program and implemented by Idein Development Foundation.

The joint strategy aims to raise awareness of stakeholders in the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border region about the social and economic benefits of recreational fishing tourism. It also analyzes European and national legislation in the field of recreational fishing and shares good European practices.
The marketing strategy presents market research, competitors and potential beneficiaries of the two tourism products - Map of the best places for fishing in the CBC region and the Fishing Festival.
The project "Angling Along the Danube: Danube fishing routes" (AA Danube) is implemented jointly with the partner Association for Sustainable Development Slatina, Olt, Romania.
The duration of the project is 18 months and the total value is 421,888.16 Euros.
The aim of the project is to improve the sustainable use of natural heritage and resources in the Danube region by developing joint tourism products based on recreational fishing.
First of all, it is about creating a joint strategy to raise awareness of the benefits of recreational fishing on both sides of the Danube. In addition, the project includes the development of a special interactive GIS-based platform and a mobile application "Danube fishing routes" for the most popular fishing places in the cross-border region. A festival with the working title "Angling Along the Danube" was organized, as well as an information campaign in Romania and Bulgaria for amateur fishermen who want to have fun and enjoy the knowledge of the tourist potential of the regions where they pursue their hobby.
The project also aims to raise public awareness and concern for the protection and restoration of water resources in the Danube area.
The Interreg V - A Romania-Bulgaria program is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It aims to develop in a modern and sustainable way the border area between the two countries by supporting joint projects, which are financed at a rate of 85% of the ERDF, 13% of the national budgets of Romania and Bulgaria and 2% - contribution of beneficiaries and their partners.
