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"JobEase for women - enhancing unemployed women’s potential to find a job within the CBC RO-BG region"
General objective: to promote integration in the cross-border region by promoting access to the labor market for unemployed and long-term unemployed women.
One of the main territorial challenges in employment sector of the CBC Ro-Bg area is the low activity rate of women. The project aims at encouraging the integration of the CB area through supporting the access to the labour market of the unemployed and long-term unemployed women. This will be achieved via facilitating the access of unemployed women to labour market by improving their skills and knowledge and supporting better match between labour market supply and demand by provision of relevant information and support.
The project contributes to achieving the objectives of the Programme by increasing the number of initiatives to enhance labor mobility in the CBC region and the number of participants in joint local initiatives for employment and joint training. It will also contribute to increasing the number of people who have access to joint employment initiatives.
Main activities:
  • Provision of assistance and information on labour market opportunities and available incentives for employment of women;
  • Training needs assessment to tailor-made trainings;
  • Trainings and workshops organization;
  • Project management, M&E;
  • Project communication, information and publicity.
Target groups:
  • Unemployed women, including long-term unemployed women (persons registered as unemployed for more than 6 months).
Expected results:
  • Provided assistance and information on labor market opportunities and available incentive measures for employment of women;
  • Joint information seminar with at least 120 participants (2 events);
  • Specialized training based on surveys and assessment of training needs - 2 sessions in Ruse and 2 in Slatina, total 120 participants.
Lead partner: Idea Development Foundation, Bulgaria
Beneficiary 2: Association for Sustainable Development Slatina, Romania
Financing program: INTERREG V-A Romania - Bulgaria 2014-2020
Project budget: 312,937.17 euros
Duration of the project: 18 months
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