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CivilSafety: "Integrated risk management and efficient reactions of authorities for civil safety"
The common challenge of the programme area that is jointly tackled in the project is to develop an innovative partnership in the cross-border area in the field of early warning and emergency response, which implements a quality risk management and whose partners will have the specialized needed equipment and skills that allow them to react in one of the most important territorial problems – earthquakes – and in other emergency situations, having as aim to ensure people protection measures and create a safer region.
The overall objective of the project is to increase cross border cooperation in emergency prevention and intervention of authorities and to develop infrastructure and joint services to prevent natural and technological disasters, in the same time with developing the capacity to react quickly to threats to the health and integrity of citizens and goods, in order to ensure a safe area, a sustainable development and an increase in the standard of living of the population.
The specific objectives of the project are:
• proposal for creating a sustainable cross border partnership in the field of prevention and intervention in emergency situations involving Ovidiu and Shabla Municipalities and Idein Development Foundation
• equipping the local public authorities with specific equipment needed for a quality management of risk in the cross-border area, which will ensure efficient intervention in emergency situations
• acquisition of special equipment for cross border alerting of population in emergencies such as earthquakes, fires and developing joint hazard maps
• organizing training and best practice examples
• dissemination of information to ensure the increase of public awareness with regard to the protection measures in emergency situation.
Target groups:
The population from Shabla and Ovidiu (around 20.000 inhabitants), sick people, isolated persons, emergency staff, cross-border communities and local authorities will benefit from the main outputs produced by project.
Expected results:
1. A sustainable and efficient cross-border partnership specialized in the field of prevention and intervention needed in emergency situation, which will have a massive contribution to creation of a safer region
2. Ovidiu Municipality and Shabla Municipality will be equipped with special equipment such as firetruck, special vehicle for intervention in floods and snow storms
3. Both municipalities will have joint hazard maps and joint alerting system for emergency situations as earthquakes
4. Raised awareness regarding protection measures in emergencies
5. Specific promotion.
Lead beneficiary:
Ovidiu Municipality
Beneficiary 2:
Shabla Municipality
Beneficiary 3:
Idein Development Foundation, Ruse, Bulgaria
Funding programme:
INTERREG V-A Romania - Bulgaria 2014-2020
Project budget:
EUR 988 827,18, of which:
EUR 840503,09 ERDF (representing 85%);
EUR 148 324.09 National Public Contribution;
EUR 3 172.02 Private Contribution.
Project duration:
33 months
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