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AADanube: Angling Along the Danube - Danube fishing routes
One of the main territorial challenges in tourism sector of the CBC Ro-Bg area is its unevenly distribution and underdevelopment. The Danube-centered sustainable tourism is still emerging and less popular than the Black Sea and the advantages for tourist development of the rich natural heritage are less known both at national and international level.
The project aims to improve the sustainable use of natural heritage and resources through development of common tourism products based on recreational fishing. This will be achieved via raising awareness within the CBC Ro-Bg area of the social and economic benefits of recreational fishing tourism and the development and promotion of two new tourist products based on natural resources.
Main activities:
Project management, monitoring and evaluation;
Strategy development and awareness raising
Development of joint tourist product – „Danube fishing routes“ - Mapping of the best/most popular fishing and boating spots in the CB area and development of an interactive GIS based platform and a mobile application;
Development of a joint tourist product – „Angling Along the Danube“– annual fishing festival.
Awareness raising campaign;
Project communication.
Target groups:
Bulgarian and Romanian fishermen - registered amateur fishermen in the CBC Ro-Bg region, residents and visitors of the region. The project will also cover at least two Local Fisheries Action Groups and will seek the support of state and local authorities.
Expected results:
Developed a joint strategy for raising awareness of the social and economic benefits of recreational fishing in the cross-border Bulgarian-Romanian region.
Developed marketing strategy and management plan for the new joint tourism products.
Raised awareness - popularized social and economic benefits of recreational fishing in the cross-border Bulgarian-Romanian region and popularized the new joint tourist products.
Developed two joint tourist products - "Danube Fishing Routes" and "Danube Fishing Festival".
Lead beneficiary:
Idein Development Foundation, Ruse, Bulgaria
Beneficiary 2:
Association for Sustainable Development Slatina, Olt, Romania
Funding program:
INTERREG V-A Romania - Bulgaria 2014-2020
Project budget:
EUR 421,888.16, of which:
EUR 358 604.93 ERDF (representing 85%);
EUR 54,841.26 national co-financing (representing 13%);
EUR 8 441.97 contribution of the partners (representing 2%).
Project duration:
18 months
Internet address:

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